PSmplay 0.4

PSmplay (PlayStation Media Player) est un logiciel qui est en mesure de jouer les fichiers .str et .xa de vos CD Playstation mais aussi les fichiers .tim (Fichier image).

Vous pouvez aussi extraire les fichiers audio et vidéo avec la possibilité de les réencodés en .wav, .mp3, etc… pour les fichiers audio et en .avi pour les fichiers vidéo.

Nouveautés & Corrections
Version 0.4 du 12/06/2000
- Corrected WAV and MP3 output bugs. (again)
- The performance of PlayList is improved. (maybe complete)
- The change of Skin became possible.
- The top of some buttons was added. (Thanx Stefan)
- The fullscreen mode was changed on the screen which the desktop whole was covered with. - A speed at the time of the fullscreen improves by this change. The change which relates is the following.
- The fullscreen mode and the Window mode can be changed with ALT + ENTER during the play-back.
- The full screen mode is fixed on the desk-top resolution and color depth.
- The limitation of TIM was done to the desk-top size. It is the limitation of DirectX3. (A problem is still left.)
- CTRL + Open-button is opens Anaylze Data.
- A menu was added on the image screen. (hit Mouse R Button.)
- MainPanel can be indicated by the double-click at the time of the fullscreen play-back.
- The work of Disable MDEC image/Sound was corrected.
- The Disable option of the level-meter was added.
- The thing that Page Up/Down wasn't right was modified.
- The thing that the indication of PlayList was wrong was modified when "File -> Close" was chosen from the menu.
- The performance of Selector is improved.
- The SKIN definition of Selector was partly changed.
- File Drop to Selectro was made possible.
- The thing which became an error was modified when it was canceled without doing Start at the time of Analyze of CDROM/DAO.
- The thing that data were wrong was modified when re-sampling was made effective at the time of the WAVE output.
- The thing which couldn't indicate the drive name of Selector properly was modified.
- Output MP3 was added to Selector.
- Though a file wasn't opened, Output MP3 could be chosen with MainPanel.
- When Delete All of PlayList was used, the thing which play-back didn't sometimes stop at was modified.
- It could play-back with the Play button after it was removed with Delete All of PlayList.
- A panel synchronized with the mouse when the right button was pushed while a screen was moved.
- Item Entry which shouldn't be indicated was sometimes indicated. (PlayList / Selector / Converter)
- Some warning messages were added.
- Two corrected a spelling mistake.
- When an AVI file was made, it became possible that only an image was outputted.
- There was a problem when STR which didn't have Sound was converted.
- The thing that the work of PlayList was wrong was modified.
- The process when the right button was pushed was modified.
- With the space key, START/STOP Play-back toggle.
- It was an error when START/STOP of Convert List was repeated.

Mis à jour le : 26.02.17

Capture d'ecran du logiciel PSmplay 0.4

Informations & Téléchargements
 Système :
 Version :
 Licence :
 Limitation :
 Taille du Fichier :
768 KB
 Langue :
 Téléchargé(s) :
1028 fois
 Prix :
 Note : 
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