MoI 4.0 fr

MoI 3D est un nouveau programme de modélisation DAO/3D NURBS pour les designers et les artistes.

Il comporte une interface unique qui est conçue pour fonctionner sans à-coup ainsi le logiciel peut se piloter entièrement au stylet et à la palette graphique ou avec la souris. L'artiste peut donc tracer des courbes à main levée et conserver la spontanéité de son sens artistique. Un système de pavé numérique permet même d'entrer n'importe quelle valeur sans avoir à aucun moment besoin du clavier. MoI fonctionne différemment d'un programme "standard" de DAO.

L'interface de MOI est un modèle de simplicité. Elle se révèle compacte et très rapide à assimiler. Chaque groupe de fonctions est rangé dans une boîte dédiée : courbes, solides, édition, construction... Cliquez sur une fonction générique : aussitôt, les boutons se réarrangent et les sous-fonctions apparaissent. En haut de l'écran surgissent alors les différentes options et le modus operandi de la fonction sélectionné. Simple, clair, efficace.

Nouveautés & Corrections
Version 4.0 du 24/02/2023
- Nouveautés et corrections pour le logiciel MoI 3D 4.0.

Version 3.0 du 02/09/2015
- New Transform > Deform > Flow deformation tool for warping and bending shapes from one backbone curve or surface to another.
- Flow is a versatile deformation tool which can help with the construction of curved pattern details, by taking objects that were initially modeled as flat 2D patterns and warping them into a curved shape. Being able to initially construct a rigid 2D shape made up of straight pieces can often times be an easier approach than trying to model the final curved shape directly in place.
- New Transform > Deform > Twist command for twisting objects around an axis line.
- New options for Extrude, Extrude to point and Extrude tapered.
- New NSided hole filling command.
- Loft can now start and/or end in a point object, this is especially helpful with Loft style = "Loose" to create lofted surfaces that end in a smooth tip.
- Variable radius fillets.
- Hidden line removal : MoI can now generate a 2D drawing with hidden lines removed when exporting to PDF, AI, or DXF formats.
- For PDF and AI formats this also can include a shaded background image underneath the vectors and accented silhouettes and outlines.
- This greatly improves the use of MoI for generating both 2D vector illustrations and also basic shop drawings for printing.
- Face extrusion auto booleans - made face sub-object selections automatically boolean the extruded piece with the base object. Allows for "push/pull" type action with the Extrude command.
- Boolean subset operations. Boolean union or difference can now take a selection of face sub-objects, which limits the boolean to only generate intersections using those surfaces. Allows for portions of objects to be temporarily ignored during a boolean, for example here a boolean union only uses the outside region of the round part, avoiding the need to do any prep work on the handle.
- Support for DXF format import and export.
- PDF import totally overhauled and much more robust than v2. PDF also added as an export format.
- Multiple CPU cores are now used in the draw engine, typical display speed-up of around 2x to 3x on complex models.
- New functions for isocurves - create isocurves under Construct > Curve > Iso, and a new "Isocurve" option for the Trim command when trimming a single surface.
- Major overhaul to the Network command to fix bugs and implement new options for making lighter surfaces.
- Improvements to the Blend command - multiple edges can now be selected on either side of the blend instead of only a single edge on either side as in v2, and there are also new options for adding sync points and for making a planar sections blend.
- New "Bounding box center" button for Transform > Move, Copy, Scale, and Scale1D commands.
- Improved surface quality for closed fillets, blends, and sweep for smooth closed surfaces.
- New selection indicator dot and selection filtering methods for the Scene Browser.
- Multitouch view navigation, use multitouch gestures (pinch or drag fingers) to do zoom/pan/rotate view manipulations.
- Add control points to surfaces - Edit > Add pt can now work with surfaces in addition to curves.

Mis à jour le : 24.02.23

Capture d'ecran du logiciel MoI 4.0 fr

Informations & Téléchargements
 Système :
Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11
 Version :
 Licence :
 Limitation :
30 Jours
 Taille du Fichier :
42,1 MB
 Langue :
 Téléchargé(s) :
724 fois
 Editeur :
 Prix :
295 $
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