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Mame for DC NeoGeo Edition 2.82

MDCNG v2.82 (Mame for DC NeoGeo edition) is Now with GUI. It's very like maim - but quicker. Sound makes everything slower - but it does work...

Files Included :
- DSKMDCNG.elf - The MDCNG executable on it's own.
- DSKMDCNG.bin - Same in BIN format.
- DSKMDCNG.txt - list of supported drivers.
- MDCNG.sbi - An SBI for use with SbInducer.
- README.txt - this file.
- README_CFG.txt - Information on configuration files.

GUI Controls :
- UP/DOWN : move up and down the game list.
- Y/A : move up and down the option list.
- X : set options to defaults. (done away with sticky mode).
- RIGHT/LEFT : increase / decrease current option value.
- START : start the highlighted game.

After 1 press this goes into 'sticky defaults' mode, 2nd press, not sticky. In 'sticky' mode, as you change games, the options change to the default for that game.

All 'keys' have auto repeat, so you can hold down a direction and, after a short delay, the key will repeat.

  • L'archive est au format Nero (Vous trouverez le logiciel Nero sur le site dans la rubrique "Gravure").

Mis à jour le  : 01.09.07

Capture d'ecran du logiciel Mame for DC NeoGeo Edition 2.82

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 Taille du Fichier :
982 KB
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 Téléchargé(s) :
740 fois
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