Télécharger Logiciels > 3D > Moteur de rendu 3D > xNormal 3.19.3c fr

xNormal 3.19.3c fr

I created a "normal mapper" to render a DOT3 normal/displacement/ambient occlusion/baked base texture maps from a very very very high polygon model and to fit it into a low polygon one.

xNormal can read almost all the 3D and picture formats in the market directly so no exporters are required. It supports 3ds Max 2018/2019, 3D Studio, 3DSMAX ASE, DirectX, Alias|Wavefront OBJ, Lightwave LWO, Maya 8.5, Maya 2008, Maya 2009, Maya 2018, Collada 1.4.0, Kaydara FilmBoX, AutoCAD DXF, Softimage dotXSI, BMP, TGA, TIFF, JPG/J2K, PNG, DirectX DDS, Greg Ward's HDR, OpenEXR, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 and many many more formats. Added support for Autodesk 3dsmax / Maya 2018.

It comes with an OpenGL interactive 3D viewer where you can see at realtime the final result.

Also, supports advanced options like object/tangent space, multipart loading, swapping coords, fine detail using heightmaps, floating geometry support, mirror UV/Cylindrical coordinates, ambient occlusion/displacement map generation, projective UV texture baking, non-uniform ray distance cages, advanced antialiasing, dual core/hyperthreading, etc...

It includes a complete C++ SDK to write plugins, compute tangent basis and generate normals, etc...

Glossaire : Normal Mapping : Technique équivalente au bump-mapping, dans le sens où elle donne l'impression d'un relief sans déformation de géométrie au rendu. Cependant le nor-mapping est bien plus précis car eu lieu d'utiliser des variations de niveau de gris sur 256 niveaux, il utilise les variations sur 256 niveaux sur R(ouge), sur V(ert), et sur B(leu), chaque couleur représentant le taux de déformation sur chaque axe (X, Y, Z).

  • Important : Il faut préalablement installer le .Net Framework 4.0 de Microsoft qui est nécessaire pour faire fonctionner xNormal. Vous pouvez le télécharger à cette adresse .Net Framework 4.0.

Nouveautés & Corrections
Version 3.19.3c du 18/07/2018
- Prise en charge de 3ds Max 2018/2019.
- Support de Maya 2018.
- Prise en charge de Photoshop CC 2018.

Version 3.19.0 du 09/05/2015
- The xN's UI frontend is now a little bigger, 1024x768 instead of 800x600.
- Recompiled using VS2013CEu4. Due to that, 3rd party plug-in must be recompiled.to work.
- Added 3dsmax / Maya 2016 support.
- Updated xVid 1.3.3 and x264vfw_full_42_2538bm_41390 codecs in the installer.
- Fixed a crash in the batch renderer using Optix and OpenRL.
- Fixed a small bug that was showing incorrectly the Optix VRAM paging text progress message for GPUS with more than 4Gb of VRAM.
- Improved compatibility for NVIDIA Quadro cards.
- Updated german translations.
- Removed the super-high-density mesh version of the Smiley example.
- Fixed a bug that was causing not to store well the heightmap's min/max scale in the XML settings.
- Fixed some problems in the COLLADA importer. Now .DAE files are loaded using the FBXSDK.
- Fixed a bug that was causing to show the preview window in the AO batch mode.
- The installer now uses NSIS's Modern UI 2.0.
- Now you can use the OBJ2SBM and the tangent-object space coverters using the comand-line.
- Fixed a bug that was causing not to remove the app from the installed programs list.
- Removed temporarily the dotXSI mesh importer due to incompatibillity with VS2013CEu4.
- Fixed a bug in the installer that was not copying the Photoshop CC 2014 filters correctly.
- Recompiled using the latest libraries ( libpng-1.6.15, libwebp-0.4.3, FBXSDK 2016, Ogre3D-1.9.0, lua 5.3.0, Optix 3.7.0, CUDA 7.0.28 ? note, G80/G2XX not supported by Optix anymore! )

Mis à jour le : 16.10.22

Capture d'ecran du logiciel xNormal 3.19.3c fr

Informations & Téléchargements
 Système :
Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11
 Version :
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 Taille du Fichier :
81,8 MB
 Langue :
Français / Anglais
 Téléchargé(s) :
2822 fois
 Editeur :
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