Version 3.3.3300 du 28/01/2024-
Nouveautés et corrections pour le logiciel GanttProject 3.3.3300 - WindowsVersion 3.2.3200 du 23/02/2022- The task table was completely rewritten and a few new features were added :
-- Filtering of the completed tasks.
-- Non-destructive ordering by any column or combination of columns.
-- New cog button in the table toolbar to open Manage Columns dialog or toggle task filtering.
- Manage Columns dialog allows for adding new custom task columns and for showing and hiding the columns in the table. It has got a new look and better user experience in GanttProject 3.2.
- The Print dialog was also completely rewritten.
-- New modern look and better organized controls.
-- Persistent paper layout settings.
-- Export printable pages as images in ZIP archive.
Version 3.0.3000 du 26/02/2021- GanttProject Cloud is a project collaboration service for GanttProject. If you're working in a team and need to share projects, collaborate safely, keep the history of project revisions, track resource allocations across all projects, you have to try GanttProject Cloud.
- GanttProject packages for Windows are bundled with Java Runtime. You don't need to download anything except GanttProject distro. Minor updates are delivered through the update channel and can be installed instantly.
- GanttProject can now export projects directly as Excel documents and import them back. There are also a few relatively minor new features which mostly improve application usability.