Version 3.3.3300 du 28/01/2024-
Nouveautés et corrections pour le logiciel GanttProject 3.3.3300 - macOSVersion 3.2.3200 du 23/02/2022- The task table was completely rewritten and a few new features were added :
-- Filtering of the completed tasks.
-- Non-destructive ordering by any column or combination of columns.
-- New cog button in the table toolbar to open Manage Columns dialog or toggle task filtering.
- Manage Columns dialog allows for adding new custom task columns and for showing and hiding the columns in the table. It has got a new look and better user experience in GanttProject 3.2.
- The Print dialog was also completely rewritten.
-- New modern look and better organized controls.
-- Persistent paper layout settings.
-- Export printable pages as images in ZIP archive.