Nouveautés & Corrections
- Close: Duplicate context menu can now duplicate up, down, to the top and to the bottom.
- Upgraded JDK to latest 21 LTS.
- Upgraded Sejda SDK.
- Added a PDF_Version property to the MSI installer to set the default value of PDF version combo in the settings panel.
- Added a org.pdfsam.default.pdf.version system property to set the the default value of PDF version combo in the settings panel.
- Sejda 5.1.3.
- Updated translations.
- Fixed #630 with a better error message.
- Fixed : Order of selected page ranges wasn't correct.
- Signed CustomAction dll used in Windows MSI installer.
- Extract pages tool now supports last keyword in pages selection to extract the last page of the input files.
- JDK 21.0.4.
- JavaFX 21.0.4.
- Updated dependencies.
- Merge tool default AcroForm policy set to Merge and rename.
- Removed RxJava dependency.
- Fixed : dragging to the edge of the selection table automatically scrolls.
- Fixed : added the ability to drop files between rows of the selection table.
- Fixed a sorting issue with some special characters in some locale.
- Fixed default working directory to have precedence if set and to be used in case of relative output paths.
- Closed to add a default prefix value that can be set via sys prop and MSI property.
- Closed to add a default PDF version that can be set via sys prop.
- Fixed so clickable links works on Linux.
- Fixed an issue with the MSI installer that was re-adding configuration lines in case of repair, change etc.
- Tool buttons on the sidebar are now draggable and can be arranged in any order.
- Don't add the Settings button to the sidebar if org.pdfsam.disable.settings.panel is true.
- Added --enable-preview to let sejda-io run correctly with big files.
- Fixed splash on Windows.