Télécharger Logiciels > Pocket PC > Vidéos - Pocket PC > PocketMVP 0.8.011804 fr

PocketMVP 0.8.011804 fr

PocketMVP est un des rares logiciels de lecture vidéo pour Pocket PC qui soit proposé en Open Source et permette de lire les DivX. Il ne se limite bien entendu pas à ce format puisqu'il est capable de lire aussi les fichier Mpeg, AVI (simple), Ogg, shoutcast et MP3.

Pour limiter la consommation électrique, PocketMVP utilise un système de cache mémoire qui limite les accès au média de stockage, cette fonction est particulièrement appréciable pour les utilisateurs de Microdrive.

Le menu "Options" du logiciel permet d'associer des boutons du Pocket PC à des fonctions (lecture, pause, avance rapide, brillance, volume, zoom) et de faire du logiciel le lecteur par défaut pour tous les formats de fichier supportés.

Pour avoir une idée des performances du logiciel, le désormais préhistorique Ipaq H3630 suffit à lire correctement une vidéo au format DivX.

Nouveautés & Corrections
Version 0.8.011804 du 19/01/2004
- Action button mapping not working depending on the device..
- Related to above, many dedicated phone buttons on PocketPC phones were not working in PMVP. I have fix these as well.
- Certain AVI files when edited in Vdub would have A/V sync issue where the audio was offset from the video in one direction or the other, even though it played fine on PC. This is not a fix for any gradual desync problems.
- Certain High bitrate mpeg-1 files would play only a few frames then quit.
- There was a FFWD bug introduced in the last build causing the audio not to synch up with the video after FFWD. I have fixed this for next build.
- The issue of swapped audio/video streams in OGM files is now resolved.
- The issue of VDUB and the missing comment/chapter header is now resolved.
- Fixed and issue with shuffle/unshuffle not starting as the first song.
- Fixed the issue of hitting next on the last song in the playlist not starting back at the begginning.
- Modifed the "Remember last Postion" to remember the last song in a playlist you were on and return you to that song, even if you have Shuffle enabled.
- fixed an issue with "Remember last Postion" sometimes crashing when opening with a video position saved.
- Fixed the issue that sometimes the player will hang when you jump to a chapter in an OGM if the chapter is not on a key frame.
- Fixed several issues with seeking and FFWD performance for all media types. Thos long delays and strange audio pops should be mostly resolved with the next build.
- Fixed another issue with OGM and MP3 audio that was causing stuttering and frame skipping at the beginning of a lot of videos encoded this way.
- Fixed support for latest XVID and 3ivx codecs.
- I have modified Next/Prev to step foraward and backwards through chapters in OGM files if they are present. So Chapters are treated like aditional playlist items.
- Fixed the folder memory so openning a skin does not replace your last folder with the skin folder.
- Added several new skin items: MinimizeButton, ConfigureButton, ShuffleButton, HelpButton, ExitButton, JumpButton.
- Added new Hardware Button options.
- I have modified the hardware button for play/pause to pause in fullscreen. This way you can get a large image pause without going back to the skin. I have left the screen tap pause feature to bring back the skina nd the smaller pause image. Not sure if this is ideal but it seemed ok.
- Fixed HPC filename issue.
- Fixed HPC TaskBar hiding problem.
- Fixed HPC with Playlist View and Media View.
- Fixed redraw issue when seeking on MIPS PocketPCs.
- Support for ATI 3200 overlay support for all devices with 3200 ATI chip(E800,G1000).
- Support for ATI 3200 IDCT support for all devices with 3200 ATI chips and external memory option(E800 in VGA mode).
- Support for VGA mode skins sections in the skin files.
- Removed classic skin and replace the console skin as the default.

Mis à jour le  : 01.10.07

Capture d'ecran du logiciel PocketMVP 0.8.011804 fr

Informations & Téléchargements
 Système :
 Version :
 Licence :
 Limitation :
 Taille du Fichier :
1,5 MB
 Langue :
Anglais / Français
 Téléchargé(s) :
568 fois
 Editeur :
 Prix :
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