Version 2024 12.1.344.0 du 27/07/2024- Fixed New Drawing Creation command on tabs.
- Fixed attributes editor issue of highlighting different selected item.
- Fixed issue with Units command.
- Improved performance of MAPCLPLINE command.
- Fixed issues of Trial Days display on Key Activation Dialog.
- Improved check for updates command.
- Minor cleanup issues are - Fixed with Print command.
- Added new functionality to regen of objects.
- Fixed certain issues in LINETYPE command.
- Fixed certain drawnig error with Mtext command.
- Improved the performance of Block base point handling.
- Fixed certain crash issue while opening and closing files.
- Fixed crash certain issue on exiting the drawing.
- Fixed certain crash issue with AEC styles.
- Fixed issue applying a Entity transparency in preview.
- Fixed certain performance error with OVERKILL command.
- Fixed certain crash issue with "Edit Block Definition" dialog box.
- Fixed some incorrect behaviour of TABLET command.
- Implemented some improvements in HATCH command.
- Fixed certain issue while using TANGENT ESNAP.
- Solved issue with duplicate Attributes management.
- Fixed some minor changes on jpg images while inserting.
- Fixed certain issues in entity selection.
- Fixed certain Advanced Block issues.
- Fixed the switch layout issue.
- Improved functionality of XREF Command.