Version 1.0 du 31/05/2017- Inverse Kinematics allows rapid animation of rigged characters. You no longer need to position each joint at each key frame, but only need to position the end of a chain of bones and they all move as needed.
- The Topographical Knife is a 3d modeling tool that supports flexible, rapid editing of meshes. You can move points or edges, slit and join faces, add and "dissolve" edges and points, and much move with this versatile tool.
Give a big thanks to Raxx for helping me immensely in the implementation.
- Fast Select allows you to select and model on the fly without changing to the Select tool. This can be disabled for beginners who sometimes find it easier to separate these functions.
- Pressing the Alt key temporarily changes into Arc Rotate mode allowing you to mode fluidly within an model or scene while editing. Similarly the mouse wheel zooms your view around the position of the cursor.
- A new look eases eye strain, and makes models standout from the background. You can also enable anti-aliasing in the working views on most graphics chips which can also help with eye strain. You can increase the width of edge so they don't disappear on higher resolution screens.
- You can assign objects to different layers that you can lock or hide as a group.
- The addition of folders for objects, figures, bones, etc. helps organize large projects into more manageble pieces.
- There are additional improvements and additons throughout Anim8or. These include normal maps, improved face extrusion for corner and right angle edges, scale and rotation that apply to the center of selected parts, and more.
Version 0.98 du 24/01/2017- A ray tracer render called ART for Anim8or Ray Tracer. You can use it to render all Anim8or materials plus reflections, transparency with glass like index of refraction effects, glossy surfaces and more. Here is a link to some initial documentation on how to access these new features: ART Raytracer.
- Autosave that perodically saves a copy of your project.
- You can copy and paste materials with Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl_Shift-V.
- .MTL file input and output support (for .OBJ import and exported files)
- Holding the Control key down when selecting shapes in an Object or faces, points or edges in the Point Editor allows you to click-drag the mouse to select or deselect multiple things. If this is popular I may make it the default and use the Control key to select just one thing (as it does now).
- Add user attributes to Objects, Figures, Elements and Scenes. These are typed, named variables of int, float, point, orientation or string type. For example you can define a float attribute called mass and set it to 10.5. Currently they are only useful by programs that parse the .an8 format but will be accessable from ASL scripts in the future. You define these with the Object?Attributes command.
- Holding the Control key down when using the Cut Faces tool user only cuts selected faces.
- A new Edit?MovePoints command in the Point Editor that moves sepected points by a precise amount.
- Visible light frustums is the working views when lights are selected.
- Improved UV tool. Each shape in an object can define it's own UV widget that does planar, cylindrical, sperical or normal projecton of texture coordinates onto that shape. You can interactively move, rotate and scale the widgent in UV edit mode. Also UV widgets are saved with the shapes so that the UV tool doesn't force you to restart from scratch wach time you use it.
- Export binormals to the .an8 format when Export Normals is set (and bump maps are used fore that shape).
- Add Cubemap Backgrounds to Scenes. Any cube map texture can be used as a background in a scene.
- Movie rendering size is saved as a project parameter.