Version 2020.0.3 du 27/05/2021- Added support for Unreal Engine 4.26 to the Unreal Bridge.
- FB110170 Layout soft locks when user presses play button.
Version 2020.0.2 du 17/07/2020- Mirror in Modeler addressed to keep from flipping polygons and creating 'bad polygons' while mirroring.
- Changed the Ambient and Environment light intensity to percentage.
- Changed the Ambient light default to 25%.
- The ambient light was not disabled when "Affect Diffuse" is off.
- LB-5928 LW2020_OpenGL Overlay & OpenGL WireFrame is slow compared to LW2019.
- LB-6031 color info is not updating in OpenGL when fibers are create in modeler.
- LB-6276 OpenGL Transparency is not working properly with this scene.
- LB-6326 Color correct OpenGL not working.
- LB-6327 Use Background Color not working in OpenGL.
- LB-6328 OpenGL Fog causes to loose textures in OpenGL view.
- LB-6414 OGL Transparency Disappears.
- LB-6431 Rendering does not progress.
- LB-6536 GE no longer shares motion modifiers or expressions with other tool.
- LB-6537 Modeler errors when loading objects with cycler on surfaces.
- LB-6538 Particle Blur is broken.
- LB-6539 Distribute tool doesn't work as expected.
- LB-6549 Layout - Numeric Counter Sliders are delayed when scrubbing.
- LB-6552 VPR lockup (maybe volumetrics related?).
- LB-6568 restarting windows with the hub ON clears LWEXT .CFG
- LB-6575 There is no Calculate Weights button on Vertex Paint.
- LB-6581 Set Value tool - Multilayer Crash Problem.
- LB-6582 Background Layer wireframe BUG.
- LB-6584 Particle Blur transform wrong.
- LB-6587 Bad shading on principled hair.
- LB-6590 Tiny values appear to be zero.
- LB-6592 Refraction broken.
- LB-6593 selecting multiple objects in current list does not update graph editor.
- LB-6595 ClipMap Label BUG.
- LB-6596 Too many clones of certain light types crash Layout.
- LB-6597 Dispersion in dielectric seems broken.
- LB-6605 Modeler Wireframe FG/BG Texture BUG.
- LB-6606 Advect Points node crash. reject incorrect grid types.
- LB-6615 Using 1% or 100% in the dispersion in dielectric makes no difference.
- LB-6620 "TIFF32" output is garbled.
- LB-6624 Importing scene with FiberFX elements crashes Layout.
- LB-6626 Fiber FX - Fiber V seems flipped.
- LB-6627 Fiber FX - Any textures seems to crash FFX on reloading scene.
- LB-6631 Clamp Camera Property value Filter Radius to a minimum of .5
- LB-6632 OpenVDB not finding files stored outside of content folder.
- LB-6633 FFX and OpenVDB wont work together on load scene.
- LB-6654 No Spotlight cone angle and soft edge angle options.
- LWB-5953 Node still renders preview if toggled from NPT_CUSTOM to NPT_OFF.
- LWB-6019 Digital Confusion Crashes when Making a Preview with this scene.
- LWB-6027 error export to .LWO 5
- LWB-6028 FiberFX render freeze in LW2020.
- LWB-6042 Contains 1 point polygon on UV and crashes.
- LWB-6043 Collapse Obj tool From Directory issue returned.
- LWB-6048 Instances inverted on flat plane.
- LWB-6057 If start frame is <-99 image sequences break and won't load properly.
- LWB-6059 Loading/Converting old Scene in Layout crashes the application.
- LWB-6064 OpenVDB file-paths do not work outside content directory.
- LWB-6073 Volumetric VPR problem if material applied to null is animated.
- LWB-6081 I can't add images to the UDIM.
- LWB-6085 Environment Light doesn't render properly over LWSN.
- LWB-6119 Removed the Lib/*.pyc files from the Python SDK archive.
- LWB-6137 Deleting Weight Map Crashing Error.*/