Version 0.5.0b3 du 02/04/2018- Sending additional http header fields to vlc.
- The window sticking error.
- Time shift of the telegram..
- Window position when the player is restarted.
- Displays the subject of the TV show.
- Vlc 3.0.x.
- Eventghost not supported in Simpletv new version 0.5.0 b1?.
- Russian Fonts Not Shown OSD Info Window.
- Encoding error when loading playlist LoadPlayList_UTF8.
- The position of the window on the two monitors.
- The function SetTitle ().
- When playing faster than 1.25, sound is lost.
- Pip audio track is always track 1.
- It is not possible to add to bookmarks.
- Crossplatform.
- wininet-> QNetworkAccessManager.
- CDHtmlDialog -> QtWebEngine.
- mdb config -> ini config.
- mdb-> sqlite.
- Porting the kernel to qt5.
- not blocking scripting VM machine.
Version 0.5.0b2 du 25/03/2018- Porting to Qt, SQLite.
- XP not supported.