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Blender Portable 4.1.1 fr - Windows

Blender Portable est une suite d'outils de modélisation 3D et de rendu. Ce logiciel a un destin assez particulier dans la mesure ou il est parti comme un projet privé qui a été "revendu" à la communauté Open-source suite à un appel de la société éditrice qui n'avait plus les moyens de poursuivre son développement. Les 100.000 euros demandés par l'éditeur ont été réunis en moins de sept semaines grâce à la contribution de milliers de personnes.

Blender n'est pas, loin de là, un outil grand public, sa prise en main demandera donc de l'investissement. Par contre, il est capable de rivaliser avec des logiciels commerciaux dont le très connu logiciel "3DS Max".

Au programme : Modélisation, le logiciel supporte la création d'objets à base de forme simples, de Nurbs, de courbes de Bezier et autres B-SPline qu'il sera possible de combiner par des opérations booléennes.

L'animation permet de définir des chemins pour les objets et d'appliquer des déformations (morphing) en utilisant le cas échéant le squelette. Le rendu supporte quand à lui les principaux effets 3D : environnement mapping, flares, motion blur et permet l'exportation vers des logiciels de rendu, dont le fameux Persistence of Vision (POV-Ray).

Voici quelques nouveautés :
Real-time GLSL Materials
- You can get many of Blender's Materials also drawing in real-time in the 3D window and the game engine, including shadow buffers! It requires a more recent 3D card with good hardware shader support.

Game Logic
- Game logic and game level editing has been improved in many ways. Most notable are the Logic States, which allow to group logic bricks in simple"state engines" and activatate, deactivate, or smoothly make transitions between them.

Bullet SoftBody
- Blender's GE uses the Bullet physics library. The library has been updated to the latest version, supporting soft body dynamics. Support has been added for flat cloth or volumetric soft bodies. Bullet allows interactions beween soft bodies as well as rigid bodies and static collision bounds of all types.

Game Engine notes
- The Game Engine is back, and better than ever! In this section you can read some of the backgrounds, and a collection of other GE release notes.

Colored shadows
- You can assign an RGB color to any lamp's shadow now. Although this isn't a feature supported "in the real world", it's a cool trick to allow artists to present a more realistic shading and lighting in their work (without need for GI).

Shrinkwrap Modifier
- As one of the Google summer projects, you can now allow an object to be "shrinked" to match/touch another object's shape. The modifier works based on vertex groups allowing a part of a model to shrink or be projected.

Simple Deform Modifier
- This new modifier has been added to provide simple deforms. It works on Meshes and Curve objects, and provides twist, bend, taper and stretch.

Wind & Deflectors
- The Wind forcefield now has "noise" option. Force Deflectors now can also occlude or absorb forces.

Fluid Control
- Fluid simulation can be controlled using particles which define local force fields and are generated automatically from either a physical simulation or a sequence of target shapes. At the same time, as much as possible of the natural fluid motion is preserved.

Python Editor
- One of the included Google summer projects was to improve our texteditor with Python IDE features, allowing much more advanced editing and integrated API lookup support for scripters.

Sculpt mode improvements
- A couple of new Sculpting options were added. Now brushes allow a custom falloff curve, and there are more options available for textured brushes.

Sun, Sky, Atmosphere
- This new "sun/sky" feature allows to use Sun lamps to simulate sky color and atmosphere scattering. A lot of options are available to achieve interesting artistic results, including blend modes and color space.

  • Information : Une Application portable est un logiciel pouvant fonctionner depuis votre ordinateur sans installation, mais aussi depuis une clé USB ou tout autre support amovible.

Mis à jour le : 18.04.24

Capture d'ecran du logiciel Blender Portable 4.1.1 fr - Windows

Informations & Téléchargements
 Système :
Windows 8/8.1/10/11
 Version :
4.1.1 - 64bit
 Licence :
 Limitation :
 Taille du Fichier :
402 MB
 Langue :
 Téléchargé(s) :
3165 fois
 Editeur :
 Prix :
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