SubMagic 0.71

SubMagic est un outil pour convertir, éditer, traduire, synchroniser et de création de sous-titres.

Il supporte de nombreux formats de sous-titres (.srt, .ssa, .sub, .smi et .txt). L'interface du programme présente les différents onglets pour accéder aux nombreuses fonctionnalités de manière pratique et simple.

SubMagic est écrit en C++ avec le logiciel de Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 et n'a pas besoin de .Net framework ou de toute autres bibliothèques externes pour fonctionner.

DirectX 9.0c (au minimum) est nécessaire pour visualiser les différentes étapes d’intégration de vos sous-titres dans les vidéos.

Nouveautés & Corrections
Version 0.71 du 11/04/2009
- General : Build with Visual Studio 2008 and DirectX 10 SDK (November 2008) to better support Windows Vista and Windows Se7en.
- Portability : Uses a configuration file to store all settings instead of the Windows registry.
- Unicode : Support for Unicode subtitle files added.
- User Interface : Several cosmetic changes.
- Video playback: Fixed disappearing of video window when resizing, switching tabs or switching applications.
- General : Check for new versions at startup is now performed in the background to prevent some delay before the application could be used.

Version 0.70 du 10/02/2009
- Check Page : Fixed several incorrect added and removed spaces.
- General : Changed font of list to the Windows Icon Font for better readability.
- Configuration : Added 2 possible credits.

Version 0.69 du 14/01/2009
- Check Page : Fixed a major bug in the duration calculation. Subs were shown way too long.
- Check Page : When splitting a too long 2-line sub the duration was divided according to the length of both lines. No minimal duration was taken into account. Now a absolute minimum of 1 second is forced for the shortest line.

Version 0.68 du 25/11/2008
- Check Page : An additional space was inserted incorectly after a '...' at the beginning of a line.

Version 0.67 du 29/10/2008
- Build : Build with the latest DirectX SDK (August 2007). Added the required d3dx9_35.dll to the installation. This dll should have been part of the Microsoft DirectX installation but it isn't.
- Sync Page : Fixed a bug when moving a selection and the selection is only the last line. The sub could overlap the previous one.
- Play Movie Page : Fixed a bug where the video display was not updated when the progress bar was clicked when in pause state.
- Check Page : Warnings for extreme short and long durations can now be switched off and their values can be changed.
- Check Page : Fixed a problem of spaces being added incorrectly, eg. ??? -> ? ? ?.
- Options Page : added possibility to set the frame rate when saving a MicroDVD (*.sub) file. Until now 25.000 was always used.
- General : The top position of the listbox is now maintained when switching tabs instead of forcing the selected line to be visible.
- General : Added check for new version at startup.

Mis à jour le : 10.06.17

Capture d'ecran du logiciel SubMagic 0.71

Informations & Téléchargements
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 Taille du Fichier :
2,4 MB
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 Téléchargé(s) :
609 fois
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